We are pleased to announce that the Academy of Social Sciences, Visakhapatnam, the publisher of South India Journal of Social Sciences has agreed to convert the Bi-Annual as Quarterly. It is decided to bring out the first quarterly issue from March 2024 and subsequent issues on June, September, and December 2024. As usual, the authors / writers can upload their papers on the website at the respective fields of study as broadly identified as follows.
- Economics, Political Economy, Commerce, Management
- Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, History, Archeology
- Geography, Environmental Studies, Sustainable Development, Area Studies
- Political Science, Public Policy, Law, International Relations
- Language Studies, Cultural Studies, Media and Communication, Library Science
- Education, Health, Psychology, Philosophy, Social Exclusion, Gender Studies
- Other Interdisciplinary studies
The Journal encourages scholars to publish in interdisciplinary areas of study of high quality with methodological rigor and empirical support.
Dr. K. Anil
Asst. Editor