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Important Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the Academy of Social Sciences, Visakhapatnam, the publisher of South India Journal of Social Sciences has agreed to convert the Bi-Annual as Quarterly. It is decided to bring out the first quarterly issue from March 2024 and subsequent issues on June, September, and December 2024. As usual, the authors / writers can upload their papers on the website at the respective fields of study as broadly identified as follows.

  1. Economics, Political Economy, Commerce, Management
  2. Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, History, Archeology
  3. Geography, Environmental Studies, Sustainable Development, Area Studies
  4. Political Science, Public Policy, Law, International Relations
  5. Language Studies, Cultural Studies, Media and Communication, Library Science
  6. Education, Health, Psychology, Philosophy, Social Exclusion, Gender Studies
  7. Other Interdisciplinary studies

                        The Journal encourages scholars to publish in interdisciplinary areas of study of high quality with methodological rigor and empirical support.

Dr. K. Anil

Asst. Editor