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Refund & Cancellation

Refund & Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy:

Article Processing Charges (APCs): Once the APC for an accepted research article has been paid, it is non-refundable. This charge covers administrative and editorial costs that are incurred upon initiation of the publication process.

Subscription Fees: Fees paid for subscription to our journal are non-refundable.


Mistaken Payments: If  any mistaken duplicate transaction occurs, please promptly contact us. We will review the case and provide a refund for confirmed duplicate payments.

Process for Refunds:

Refund requests must be submitted in writing to us, including relevant details such as transaction information, payment method, and reason for the request.

Refunds will be processed using the original payment method, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe, depending on the payment method refund process might take time.

Cancellation / withdrawal Policy:

Article Withdrawal: Authors may request withdrawal of their article after submission but before acceptance by contacting our editorial office. However, fees paid for after acceptance are non-refundable.

Changes to the Policy: SIJSS reserve the right to modify or update this Refund & Cancellation Policy at any time.