Information creation, distribution, and manipulation are crucial activities in today’s society. The unrestricted dissemination of information is a prerequisite for a vibrant democracy. In 2005, the Indian Government enacted revolutionary legislation, the Right to Information Act (RTIA), a major weapon for journalists and citizens alike. The Act grants every citizen the right to seek information from the public authorities.
This paper, recognizing the crucial role of journalists in utilizing the right to information, aims to investigate the coverage of RTIA-related issues by the vernacular press. The study has employed content analysis of two select newspapers: the Guwahati editions of Asomiya Protidin, the largest circulated Assamese-language daily, and Dainik Jugasankha, the largest circulated Bengali-language daily. The newspapers have been scanned for six months, from January to June 2022, and every month has taken into account seven days in a month, starting with Monday in the first month and Tuesday in the second month.
The researcher also conducted a survey among journalists working in vernacular dailies in Assam to understand their level of awareness about RTIA. The researchers sent a structured questionnaire to 100 journalists. Of the 100, 92 journalists responded.
The study revealed that Assam-based vernacular dailies give less importance to RTIA-related content and found no correlation between the journalists’ educational qualifications and their level of awareness about RTIA.
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