Urban development accelerated post-independence in India; the private sector, employment, and educational opportunities flourished rapidly. Urban development steered the population of people residing in urban areas. However, the unfortunate sequel of such developmental activities is slum clearance. Slum clearance led to resetting people from where they were earlier living to an entirely new environment. This resulted in a lot of shifts, precisely in their livelihood, economy, and psychology of the people. Media has the power to persuade and influence the perspective of the people. How the news is published in a newspaper crafts specific images and contributes to the conviction of the masses. The frames adopted by the English newspapers portray marginalized people in a vulnerable position. This paper will help us understand how English newspapers represent marginalized people and how they are viewed, treated and cared for in society. This paper will also analyze how English newspapers cover and publish news related to resettlement and identify the various frames adopted by different newspapers in India as influential opinion moulders.
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