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An Analysis on Risk Return Relationship of Automobile Company's Stock In Indian Equity Market



How to Cite

Thappa, S., & Padung, O. (2023). An Analysis on Risk Return Relationship of Automobile Company’s Stock In Indian Equity Market. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 21(2), 1-16.


The growth and development of an economy in a nation are greatly influenced by the capital market. The capital market serves as a link between investors and business. Through the primary market, the industry gets funding directly from public and financial organizations. The securities that have been issued in the primary market have a ready market in the secondary market. Investors participate in the secondary market to make and modify their investment decisions. The return and level of risk are used to appraise every investment. In general, investors seek to anticipate a larger return with the least amount of risk. This paper examines the risk return relationship of select automobile company’s stocks in Indian stock market BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange). This paper also makes the analysis of the performance of select automobile companies in Indian Capital Market.



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