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Consumer Product Returns: Insights Into Behaviour and Reverse Logistics Processes


Product Returns
Reverse Logistics
Consumer Behavior


How to Cite

HARIVADHANI C R, & SANGEETHA R. (2024). Consumer Product Returns: Insights Into Behaviour and Reverse Logistics Processes. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(4), 130-142.


Globalization and technology improvements have greatly aided the rise of e-commerce and the spread of international trade. Product returns are a major issue in e-commerce as they have an impact on operational effectiveness and reverse logistics. The dynamics of product returns are examined in this research, with an emphasis on customer behavior and how it affects reverse logistics. Product returns, which are mostly the result of unhappy customers, misplaced expectations, or lax return procedures, are an important part of post-purchase correspondence between customers and merchants. According to research, more than 30% of online purchases are returned, mostly because the expectations were not fulfilled rather than because the product was defective. Customers frequently create mental pictures of things via e-commerce as it lacks the in-person interaction of conventional shopping, which can result in returns when expectations are not fulfilled.The process of handling returns, remanufacturing, and recycling known as reverse logistics which is essential to lowering the financial and environmental expenses related to product returns. The findings of this research looks at the various stages of consumer decision-making and how they affect return behavior. It suggests that in order for return policies to be effective, customer satisfaction and operational cost management must be balanced.



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