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On The Move, Uncertain Gains: Investigating the Impact of Labor Mobility on Rural Livelihoods in Bangladesh


Climate change
Labor Mobility


How to Cite

Muzib, M. M. (2024). On The Move, Uncertain Gains: Investigating the Impact of Labor Mobility on Rural Livelihoods in Bangladesh. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3), 31-41.



Internal labour mobility is vital in altering one's livelihood and economic status. This study examines the causes and effects of labour mobility on the changing of livelihoods and the welfare of migrant workers. Interviews with households were done to obtain information from the Porabari Union in the district of Tangail, Bangladesh, regarding demographics, livelihoods, income, expenses, and savings. The study discovered that the lack of jobs in rural areas, changes in the climate, the absence of facilities for health and education, and the availability of greater chances in urban areas all cause people to migrate and alter their livelihood. The study also explored that young and educated people with small families can get jobs in urban areas and positively change their income, expenditure, and savings levels.



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