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Banking needs of women street vendors - A study with special reference to pollachi Taluk


Financial exclusion
Financial Inclusion

How to Cite

Indira Priyadharshini B. (2022). Banking needs of women street vendors - A study with special reference to pollachi Taluk . South India Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 54-66.


Status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the decades. Illiterate and poor women have to undertake street vending to mitigate the problem of unemployment and underemployment. They have to enter into street vending to generate a source of income for their day to day needs. Many women enter into street vending due to lack of credit and lack of confidence to start small businesses. Street vending provides scope to the poor women to sustain their life through small earning and also street vending provides livelihood and source of income to high percentage of women. The study was carried out to determine the banking needs of women street vendors. The study extends to women street vendors in the Pollachi Taluk, their socio economic profiles, business profile, income and expenditure, their sources of credit, awareness on banking services and the problems encountered in banking services. Traditions and customs of the different religions and nativity and the population has created an uncontrollable demand for the traditional products of vegetables, fruits, flowers and food. These items are demanded by the population over 365 days. There are traditional, political, institutional and family functions going on over the whole year regularly which has increased a stable demand for
all the products. Women Street vendors are accepted by the population as they are the immediate source to satisfy the demands of all kinds of people for all kinds of functions and festivals. Women street vendors sell the products nearby the people according to their needs of the day.




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