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Influence of Culture on the work behaviour of Migrant Employees in Kerala: Exploring the challenges faced by them


Social Isolation
Cultural Differences
Language Barriers
Job performance

How to Cite

Shyamala .M, & U. Jerinabi. (2023). Influence of Culture on the work behaviour of Migrant Employees in Kerala: Exploring the challenges faced by them. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 21(2), 147-157.


This study focuses on the work behaviour of migrant employees from India. This research aims to explore the factors that shape the work behaviour of Indian migrant employees and the unique challenges and opportunities they face in the workplace. A literature review suggests that Indian migrant employees tend to exhibit a strong work ethic, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and improve. However, they may also face language barriers and cultural differences that require them to develop new skills to succeed in their jobs. Theoretical frameworks such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions and social exchange theory can provide insights into the work behaviour of Indian migrant employees. By understanding these factors, employers can create supportive work environments that enable Indian migrant employees to thrive and contribute to the success of their organizations. The findings of this study can help organizations better understand and support their Indian migrant employees, ultimately leading to improved job satisfaction, productivity, and retention. The current study examines the major problem faced by migrant employees in Kerala, it also finds out the factors which affect the character of the migrant employees, and finally, it examines the influence of the culture on the employees' job performance. Four hundred samples were selected for this study, and questionnaires were issued to collect the primary data.



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