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We have been experimenting with young scholars to publish in interdisciplinary areas of study that have bearing on social sciences over the last two decades. We are really pleased to notice that the receptivity of our academic patrons including senior researchers gives us strength and resuscitate our responsibility as publishers of quality research. It is also impinging on certain limitations of our resources and abilities to meet the growing demand for space to publish all the qualified and accomplished articles. Therefore, we have approached ISSN to permit us to bring out an online version of the print journal so that we can provide opportunities to more people. However, it gives little placidity given the size and number of articles that we receive for each issue. We are getting around 350-400 submissions in a period of one week when the window is opened for uploading of papers online. The range of topics is also enormous. We have also encountered some technical problems in the composition of the texts of papers and the language issues while presenting it for printing. We shall try to fix it soon. Please bear with us. It is a social sciences journal with a flair for interdisciplinary experiments to encourage young scholars to publish. We have to a large extent achieved our aim in attracting the attention of the academics to focus on unexplored issues and people to study, investigate and publish.

We wish to inform our scholars that there is an increasing trend of transdisciplinary areas of work that goes beyond the boundaries of established academic disciplines. The emergence of ICT, AI and other alternative sources of knowledge are creating unlimited opportunities for scholars to reflect and write. This is happening in the area of Humanities and STEM. We are not as of now interested in STEM though we cannot deny the issues that emerge on the frontier areas of social sciences and humanities. It is here that we are encountering problems of getting the articles reviewed by experts. We have developed a process of review that is clearly mentioned in our official website. We need scholars and academics with considerable experience to voluntarily come forward to help review the articles submitted by authors in a phased manner without loss of time. This will help us to complete the process in reasonable time so that the authors get an opportunity to see the end product without abnormal delay. After considering the diversity and quality of some of the papers and the wide distribution of topics, issues and regions, we are thinking of publishing a new journal to accommodate innovative interdisciplinary subjects in humanities and social sciences. It will be an ISSN registered journal to begin with and encourage scholars to publish on varied fields of study on diversity and unique identities of our country. We hope we will be able to come out with a title of the Journal.

We thank the editorial board members, patrons and young scholars who have been enthusiastically contributing to the development of the academic exercise of publication of a quality journal.

- Academy of Social Sciences

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