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Relationship Between Gross Happiness Indices and Socioeconomic Diversity: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh


Gross Happiness Indices
Socioeconomic Diversity
Gross National Happiness

How to Cite

Kappagantula, S. R. (2022). Relationship Between Gross Happiness Indices and Socioeconomic Diversity: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh . South India Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 13-31.


The first World Happiness Report was published in 2012 and also the United Nations General Assembly declared 20th March as the 'International Day of Happiness'. As per the World Happiness Report (2021), India is observed to be placed at 139th place out of 149 countries and Finland securing the first place is noticed to be the happiest country. Moreover, Indian rank has been observed to slip down continuously from 111 in 2013 to 133 in 2018, 140 in 2019 and 144 in 2020.It is pertinent to note that our neighbour countries are well ahead in the happiness rankings compared to India, where in China stood at 82rd rank, Nepal at 85th, Bangladesh at 99th and Pakistan at 103rd and Sri Lanka at 126th rank. For the first time the Happiness Report of India (Rajesh K Pillania, 2020)was published during the September 2020 and according to it among the big states Punjab, Gujarat and Telangana are at the top three whereas Odisha, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh are at the bottom three. Among the South Indian states, Puducherry, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh are the top three in happiness rankings. However, Andhra Pradesh raked as 5th state among the big states.



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