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Examining the Impact of School Teachers' Work Engagement on Organisational Commitment


Employee attitudes
Organisational Commitment
Work Engagement
School teachers


How to Cite

Rana, S., & Kunwar, I. (2024). Examining the Impact of School Teachers’ Work Engagement on Organisational Commitment. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(4), 207-216.


Attitude towards one’s work plays a crucial role in determining employee behavior. Similarly, one’s family structure may have an influence in their work attitudes. The present study examines the impact of school teachers’ work engagement on organisational commitment. Further, it seeks to ascertain the impact of various components of work engagement, i.e., vigor, dedication and absorption, on school teachers' organisational commitment. It also compares the organisational commitment and work engagement of school teachers living in joint-family and nuclear-family setups. TCM Employee Commitment Survey and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale were used to measure the variables. The sample consisted of 200 government school teachers teaching in Punjab. The results indicated that dedication emerges as a consistent and significant predictor of organisational commitment in teachers. In contrast, vigor and absorption do not show significant effects when all three predictors are considered. No significant difference was found between teachers' organisational commitment and work engagement irrespective of their family structure. The research provides insight into the work attitudes of school teachers and can help school managers and administrators formulate policies to enhance their dedication and thus organisational commitment.



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