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Predictive Factors of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Iringa, Tanzania


Job Satisfaction
Working Load
Working Conditions


How to Cite

HAULE, H. A., & Ajith, S. . (2024). Predictive Factors of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Iringa, Tanzania. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2), 166-176.


The study investigated predictive factors affecting teachers' job satisfaction in Iringa, Tanzania. It employed a survey for data collection. The questions about working goals, pay, work conditions and opportunities for professional development examined whether they may have a predictive impact on job satisfaction. correlation and regression data analysis tests were used to analyse data. Findings show that workloads were among the most influential factors impacting Job satisfaction. Working conditions and professional development opportunities were found to have a significant impact on teachers' job satisfaction. The findings have significant ramifications in education for policymakers and school managers in Iringa. enhancement of teachers well being and effectiveness is crucial to addressing the aspects that affect job satisfaction. It is recommended that workload should be reduced, compensations should be competitive and a good work-life balance should be encouraged in the teaching profession. additionally funding the teacher's professional development improves teachers' job satisfaction and strengthens academic achievement. 



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