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Unlocking Employee Commitment: Exploring The Nexus Between Compensation Management and Temple Staff Engagement in Malabar Devaswom Board


Employee Commitment
Compensation Management


How to Cite

Vijesh Venugopal, Shanmugam N, Madhusoodanan Kartha N V, & Vipin Benny. (2024). Unlocking Employee Commitment: Exploring The Nexus Between Compensation Management and Temple Staff Engagement in Malabar Devaswom Board. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3), 52-69.


The paper explores the intricate relationship between compensation management strategies and employee commitment of 300 temple staff from the Malabar Devaswom Board, whose sphere of activity is in the southern Indian  state of Kerala. The research objective is to identify the findings that can contribute to strategic choices or the operational effectiveness of the organization within the specific environment of religious organization systems. The research primarily relies on a mixed-methods research design, quantifying various data points with structured questionnaires and qualitative interpretations using SEM techniques. The sampling frame includes all employees of Malabar Devaswom Board temples in Kerala, using stratified random sampling that helps to account for variances in the sizes of temples. The findings have disclosed quite an unacceptable discrepancy between the key activities of the organization and employee consideration. Significantly, one of the main differences is in the nature of the accrual of benefits , recognition programs offered, and the internal powers over fair compensation. Some employees shared worry about the meagre benefits they got and the retirement packages, making the dedication of those feeling unappreciated weaken. Complements programs , which were also considered just half-hearted and inconsistent, failed to offer recognition consistently. As well , the absence of transparency and equity in the decision making process has to do with compensation issues leading to a lack of trust and commitment among employees, which directly contributes to organizational unhappiness. Based on the mentioned observations, a few important recommendations are made to handle the issues and patch the hole between moral management and staff dedication. These include re-pricing and strengthening the packages, introducing prerequisite and effective reward systems, and ensuring fair perception in the pay scheme through increased transparency and training for leaders. The advice intends to raise among temple employees a more motivated and dedicated workforce, thus eventually contributing to the long-term maintenance of a satisfied and stable workforce and. hence, the overall success of the Malabar Devaswom Board in fulfilling its divine goal.



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