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Recovery performance of Housing Finance Companies in Karnataka – A Comparative Study


Recovery Performance
Housing Finance
Reserve Bank of India
Commercial Banks
Prompt Corrective Action

How to Cite

Santhosh C.H, & Mallikarjun Naik. (2022). Recovery performance of Housing Finance Companies in Karnataka – A Comparative Study. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 20(2), 109-128.


The Profitability and financial viability of banking and non-banking financial institutions are directly related to the quality of loans and advances and the recovery performance of the institution. Multiple factors determine the performance of the financial institutions, visà- vis capital structure, type of borrowings, quality and quantity of information systems, nature of the investment, asset and liability management practices, skills and commitment of officials, nature of rules and regulations governing the operations of business enterprises and so on. Despite of various regulatory mechanisms by the Reserve Bank of India, a range of direct and indirect factors leads to abnormalities in working of the financial institutions. One such anomaly arises due to inadequate credit risk evaluation and management practices of FIs. The negative consequences of it have a strong bearing on the financial health of the business. Loans and advances constitute more than 80 percent of the asset size of the FIs. Early detection and containment of non-performing assets at its initial stage are the critical components of rigorous/sound NPA management system.



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