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Use of Critical Thinking Skills by Freshman year students in colleges of Hooghly District


Hooghly District
Critical Thinking

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Chayan Adak, Bijoy Krishna Panda, & Mukti Pada Sinha. (2022). Use of Critical Thinking Skills by Freshman year students in colleges of Hooghly District . South India Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 97-104.


Around 500 B.C.E in ancient Greece, Socrates has portended to be first preceptor of critical thinking. Later on, philosopher John Dewey coined the term 'critical thinking' (CT) as a scientific attitude of mind to achieve an educational goal. Also, he stated the term as 'reflective thinking' as an effective process to think carefully about an activity based on the reasons or grounds. Many recent studies upon CT suggested that the concept of CT has been updated and gone far from its traditional one in the teaching-learning system . Thus, CT is a mean of a capability to dissect facts and experiences in an unbiased manner and the path to overcome the complexities and simplify to grasp information in life. It has grounded in the concept of rationality, which could be comprehended through the combination of epistemic rationality and instrumental rationality. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified critical thinking skill (CTS) as a key competency to solve higher level complexities in 1999. According to WHO, Critical thinking, the capability to think and imagine transparently which enables one to behave reflectively in problematic situations to solve the problems immediately and helps to create many ways to unravel a familiar problem. Critical thinking ability (CTA) is taken as a core life skill in this current research article.



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