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Exploring The Role of Algorithm in Literature: A Transhumanist Study into AI-Generated Novel


Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing


How to Cite

Prasanth Arokia Samy D, & Paul Pragash S. (2024). Exploring The Role of Algorithm in Literature: A Transhumanist Study into AI-Generated Novel. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(4), 287-297.


Artificial Intelligence using algorithm is now capable to engage with humans through books. Will robot authors produce romantic books on cow hug day? Can it structure signs, symbols and narratives in literature as humans does, even with zero grammatical mistakes? What aspects of Romantic poetry and the Graphic novel can computer algorithms disclose that a human reader cannot? Can technology aid writers while they generate a book? The fourth industrial revolution totally made machine-generated language looked to have moved closer to reality with the recent unveiling of an artificial intelligence that could independently produce literary texts. Large volumes of data can now be processed and analysed by computers thanks to AI algorithms, which has produced novel findings and advancements in a number of industries. The capacity of AI to produce and alter text is one feature that has drawn a lot of interest. The evolution of AI-generated texts has been impacted by human language in many ways, and this paper will explore how current alphabets have shaped this development. This study investigates the connection between creativity and technology, with a particular emphasis on how AI-generated literature may change the legacy of human narratives. It will also explore how AI algorithms have changed over time. This research article delves into the captivating world of AI-generated texts, focusing on the novel Dinner Depression by Julia Roy Raffel, which was generated without human intervention through transhumanistic lens.



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