This paper articulates the struggle for female liberation in a patriarchal society. Through the process of giving women's thoughts and experiences a platform, literature has grown to be very important in these movements. Anita Nair is one of the most acclaimed novelists in contemporary India. Her works explore elements of identity crisis and freedom. She gives insights into the lives of contemporary Indian women. Nair's writings frequently address gender inequality, subjugation, and self-discovery. The paper depicts the theme of liberation in her novels The Ladies Coupe and The Better Man. These gripping anecdotes in both novels question the established gender norms and support women's independence. The paper will discuss the relevance of female freedom in Nair's work. The study will examine how The Ladies Coupe and The Better Man portray the hardships and victories of women pursuing emancipation in modern India. It will also explain how the societal environment impacts the characters' liberation experiences, with an emphasis on Anita Nair's female protagonists.
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