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Local Bodies and Empowerment of Women: A Study of Women Local Council Members in Aizawl, Mizoram


Local Government
Aizawl Municipal Corporation


How to Cite

David Zothansanga. (2024). Local Bodies and Empowerment of Women: A Study of Women Local Council Members in Aizawl, Mizoram. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2), 187-197.


The implementation of gender-sensitive policies that promote the empowerment and participation of women in the governing process is a crucial requirement for attaining sustainable development in a country like India. This issue has been acknowledged within the framework of policy reforms in both the governmental and local government sectors. It is imperative to focus on the status of women's involvement at this level to enable their empowerment, as sustainable and participatory development cannot be guaranteed without their participation and empowerment. The 73rd and 74th constitutional provisions of the Indian Constitution are regarded as a significant achievement in promoting gender equality and enhancing women's participation in the political power structure which in turn, contributes to the strengthening of local governance and the sustainable development of the country. This paper looks into the working and participation of women in the Local Councils in Aizawl under the Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC). Factors influencing women's participation in local government were examined. Key factors include experience, family leadership history, and facing no obstacles. All participants felt involved in decision-making, some lacked experience, faced obstacles, or lacked connections – highlighting potential barriers. The findings have practical implications which were further discussed. While some limitations exist, the study supports the importance of women in local government. Their diverse perspectives contribute to more responsive policies and ultimately, sustainable development and strong governance.



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