India's position in the Indo-Pacific region is getting more and more important as it has become a crucial geopolitical arena. In light of altering global power dynamics, this study analyses India's strategic orientation in the Indo-Pacific and highlights its geostrategic imperatives. India faces both possibilities and difficulties as its security and economic goals coincide with the region's changing framework. Maintaining ties with world powers like China and the United States, developing regional alliances with countries like Australia, Japan, and ASEAN members, and demonstrating its leadership in multilateral fora like the Quad are important facets of India's role. The paper also delves into India's balancing act between strategic autonomy and alliance-building, particularly in the context of countering China's growing influence. Ultimately, this analysis underscores India's growing importance in shaping the Indo-Pacific order and emphasizes its multidimensional strategy to maintain a balanced and stable regional architecture. Through this role, India not only safeguards its national interests but also contributes to a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. The paper aims to analyse how India can navigate its role in the Indo-Pacific's 'Great Game' to best serve its national interests, while focusing on inclusivity, stability, security, and peace in the region.
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