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Capital Structure, Profitability & Firm Value Linkages : Evidence from India


Capital Structure
Firm Value
BSE Listed companies
Panel Data Analysis

How to Cite

B.Yazhini, & D. Geetha. (2023). Capital Structure, Profitability & Firm Value Linkages : Evidence from India. South India Journal of Social Sciences, 21(1), 9-20.


Obligation and Owners fund are combined in the organization’s capital structure, which is utilized for the business. The organization’s assets should be managed correctly with debt and equity. Corporate finance continues to have difficulties determining the extent to which Capital Structure influences firm value and profitability. Hence, the current study is conducted. The article focuses on the “Impact of capital structure on profitability and firm value of top 50 companies listed in BSE” for ten years from 2012-2013 to 2021-2022 based on the market capitalization. Statistical tools like Descriptive statistics, Correlation, and Panel data analysis were used. The present study indicates that ROA and PBR have a negative effect on DER. The Tobin’s Q has an optimistic influence on DER.



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