The constitutional provisions mentioned under the functioning of the 6th schedule allow the establishment of an autonomous administrative council for scheduled tribe regions. The paper analyses the functioning of the 6th in alignment with the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC). The paper uses a qualitative approach for extensive data collection and analysis based on a thematic analysis strategy. The findings indicate that the 6th Schedule provides political and economic autonomy for KAAC. Adequate economic funds are also provided along with the judiciary, executive and legislative powers. The 30-member council is headed by the Governor, managing all areas of the district such as fisheries, waterways, road transport, primary and secondary education, hospitals, tourism and so on under Articles 244(2) and 275(1). The KAAC, since the time of its establishment, had contributed to policy-making related to the preservation of the political, economic and linguistic identity of the tribal community. However, the ongoing corruption and political dissonance have hindered the developmental process significantly. In conclusion, despite its contribution and constitutional support under the 6th Schedule, political corruption prevented the council from achieving its expected goals of obtaining political and economic strength and autonomy as an individual district of India.
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