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Evidence of Prioritization towards Health Finance: A Microeconomic Perspective


Evidence of Prioritization
Health Finance

How to Cite

Motika S Rymbai, Darishisha, & W. Thangkhiew. (2022). Evidence of Prioritization towards Health Finance: A Microeconomic Perspective . South India Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 105-121.


The novel coronavirus pandemic has hatched numerous dishevelled health care crises that expose and compound deep underlying problems in the health care system of India. The health care system failed too quickly soon the pandemic emerged and posed serious threats to population, economy and trade in small states but did not spare the big and wealthy states. The common strategy which states have adopted during this pandemic was to increase public health care spending Khan (2020). That explains the fact that public health care spending is pivotal for effective, efficient and adequate health system WHO (2020). Therefore, the question which arises from the above argument is that what determine the health care spending.



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